North Island NDP MLA Michele Babchuk. (Photo contributed)

Supports will help North Island prepare for emergency events

Over $150,000 for Emergency Operations Centres will help North Island

  • Jul. 14, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Over $150,000 for Emergency Operations Centres will help North Island communities prepare for emergency events.

“It takes dedicated, hardworking, and calm professionals to keep us all safe during an emergency,” said NDP MLA Josie Osborne. “With these investments, we’re making sure they have the tools, training, and equipment necessary to do their important work.”

“The people working in Emergency Operations Centres across the North Island do incredible work to keep our communities safe,” said NDP MLA Michele Babchuk. “Whether during a fire or flood, we’re helping them be ready to do their important work protecting the people, towns and environment we all love.”

This funding is part of $1.8 million in provincial emergency preparedness funding going to 54 communities across BC. These investments will support local governments and First Nations to purchase equipment and supplies to maintain Emergency Operations Centres and enhance local training exercises.

This funding is provided through the Community Emergency Preparedness Fund (CEPF) for programs to enhance the resiliency of communities in areas including flood mitigation, evacuation route planning, fire department equipment and training and well as Indigenous cultural safety & cultural humility training.

Community recipients in this round of funding in the North Island region are:

Alberni-Clayoquot Regional District, Port Alberni – Alberni Valley EOC Enhancement – $38,731.75

Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw FN – EOC Kit and training – $24,502

Port Hardy – Training and centre improvements – $22,395.62

Port McNeill – Secondary Power/Mobile EOC – $20,000

Quatsino First Nation – EOC Equipment – $25,000

Tofino – EOC communications, training and equipment – $25,000

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