Supreme court dismisses sasquatch case

Supreme court dismisses sasquatch case

Todd Standing was prepared to prove to the Supreme Court that the sasquatch exists, and had ample evidence to back it up, but he was not given the opportunity in a court room to make his case due to a lack of precedence, he explained.

  • Sep. 13, 2018 12:00 a.m.

Todd Standing was prepared to prove to the Supreme Court that the sasquatch exists, and had ample evidence to back it up, but he was not given the opportunity in a court room to make his case due to a lack of precedence, he explained.

In front of a judge on August 31 with his lawyer, Standing’s case against the provincial government was intended to prove that the sasquatch exists. Standing has been tracking sasquatch in B.C., Alberta, and California. The lawsuit was dismissed.

“They didn’t listen to my evidence. They weren’t looking at my evidence,” Standing explained, adding that the courts were looking to see if there was a precedence they could use from another case. “My evidence would have been admissible.”

With his lawyer, Standing attempted to compare the trial to that of tobacco companies, but was still unable to make his case.

After appearing before a judge, paying for a lawyer, and expecting to make his case, Standing feels that the case did not get the attention it deserved from a judge.

“I really wasn’t prepared for what they were going to require. So there’s no precedent. What do you do when you have a trial of something that’s new?” He questioned. “They bombarded us with tons of stuff to bury us so we wouldn’t be able to go through it all, which they did, and then they pushed us through as fast as they could, which I didn’t want. I needed more time to go and study and do my work.”

In addition to the amount of work ahead of him before the court date, Standing and his wife had a premature baby girl born only weeks before the court date.

In B.C., Standing has witnesses and DNA to back up his claims that the sasquatch exists. When witnesses encounter the sasquatch, they have apparently called B.C. Fish and Wildlife, who Standing said dismisses the sightings and does not acknowledge the existence.

One of Standing’s witnesses includes a native fish officer on duty. Standing says the man’s encounter with the sasquatch is “ridiculous” because he was able to drive right up to the creature, which began making faces at him.

“He watched it for 10 minutes as it walked away,” Standing said.

A police officer in Northern B.C. kept receiving calls about a disturbance at a local residence, Standing said.

“People kept calling because the sasquatch kept banging on their house, and he drove up on two separate occasions and flashed his lights on it, and he didn’t know what to do,” Standing said.

According to Standing, sasquatch live in troops, and have been known to be territorial. He has reports of sasquatch throwing rocks at residents who have come too close to their territory.

The sightings have been ignored by Fish and Wildlife, Standing claimed in his affidavit. Much of the trouble Standing is facing, is because if a ruling from the Supreme Court decided that sasquatch were real, environmental protection of the species would have to be in place.

Because of the resistance against the reality of sasquatch, Standing’s documentaries have been treated like they are fake or fraudulent, which has a negative impact on Standing’s credibility. A lot of the work Standing does is dangerous in the backcountry and takes him away from his family in Golden for extended amounts of time.

“I only have DNA, forensic evidence supported by the best police officers in the world, eye witness countings from PHDs, doctors, and engineers. If this was a court case murder trial, I would have won,” Standing said. “I have DNA, what are they going to say? I’d love to see them dispute that.”

Moving forward, Standing wants to take the case to court in California, and could make a similar case in Alberta.

Golden Star