Surplus soil donation prompts new sports field at the Ponds

The City of Kelowna received the large donation of soil from a local developer

  • Aug. 20, 2020 12:00 a.m.
A City of Kelowna map showing the location of the new sports field near Canyon Falls Middle School (Contributed)

A City of Kelowna map showing the location of the new sports field near Canyon Falls Middle School (Contributed)

The City of Kelowna is building a new sports field at the Ponds Community Park, thanks to a donation of surplus soil from a local developer.

“This is a unique situation where Callahan Property Group had surplus soil it was able to donate to the City to build a soccer field for the community and for Canyon Falls Middle School use,” reads a city release.

The city said during the process of relocating the soil, dust may migrate toward the intersection of Gordon Drive and Steele Road, as well as Goldfinch Place. To mitigate the spread of the dust, city crews will avoid re-locating soil on windy days, stage the soil sifting area in a location as far from residences as possible, and keep water trucks on location to water down loose soil.

A soil deposition permit has been issued to undertake this work, which should be complete by the end of the week.

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