Residential construction in Surrey. (Photo: Tom Zytaruk)

Residential construction in Surrey. (Photo: Tom Zytaruk)

Surrey council gets behind Annis’s call to address rental housing ‘crisis’

Council voted for city staff to report on "innovative approaches" to address lack of rental housing supply

  • Feb. 13, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Surrey city councillor unanimously approved Councillor Linda Annis’s motion asking city staff provide a report to council on “innovative approaches” other cities are taking to address lack of rental housing supply.

Annis delivered her motion at Monday’s council meeting, “that staff provide a report on innovative approaches other cities are taking to address the lack of rental supply and consider opportunities that include public and private sectors and not-for-profit agencies.”

When she introduced it as a notice of motion on Jan. 27, Annis told council “Surrey is in a rental housing crisis, and in particular, quality inclusive and affordable housing that represents the diversity of our community.

READ ALSO: Annis calls for staff report to address Surrey rental housing ‘crisis’

Councillor Brenda Locke proposed a “friendly amendment” to add “market and below-market rental supply” after “to address the lack of.”

Mayor Doug McCallum agreed. So did Annis, saying, “I think that better reflects my intent.”

Councillor Doug Elford noted Surrey already has an affordable housing strategy and asked city staff if what Annis is calling for will “enhance that, or are these components already taken into account under the strategy, the affordable housing strategy?”

Staff replied council had adopted affordable housing policy in 2018, following a Surrey homelessness master plan, and is currently preparing a 2020 housing needs report that will come forward for council’s consideration.

Council voted unanimously in favour of Annis’s motion.

tom.zytaruk@surreynowleader.comLike us on Facebook Follow us on Instagram and follow Tom on Twitter

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