Surrey South: We ask your candidates…

Surrey South: We ask your candidates…

Provincial election hopefuls respond to PAN questionnaire

  • May. 2, 2017 7:00 a.m.

Peace Arch News reached out to all local provincial candidates running in the May 9 election.

We asked for their name, age and neighbourhood of residence, and for responses for the following questions:

1. What are the three most significant issues facing B.C. (max nine words total)?

2. What are the three most significant issues facing your riding (max nine words total)?

3. What have you done to make your riding a better place (max 30 words)?

4. Why should people vote for you (max 70 words)?

Candidates were advised that their answers would be truncated if they went over the allotted word count.

Here are their responses:

Josh Barrett (Libertarian), Morgan Creek

1. Bloated, inefficient government; wait-times for urgent healthcare; education choice.

2. Housing costs (ownership and rental); overcrowded schools; excessive taxation.

3. My earliest community work was as a founder of Kidz Gone Green in 2007. We worked with Diane Watts and the City of Surrey to perform clean-ups, recycling, and tree-plantings.

4. The traditional parties do not serve the interests of voters. Politicians serve their self-interest and their party’s ambitions. Candidates should instead be committed to serving their constituents. That is why I am asking people to consider voting for me. I will serve Surrey South, not a partisan agenda of the left or the right. And I will be guided by a desire for less government, lower taxes, and more opportunity.

Stephanie Cadieux (BC Liberal), 44, Morgan Creek

1. Economy; jobs; affordability.

2. Rapid growth accelerating infrastructure needs; affordability; economy.

3. I’ve successfully advocated for hundreds of millions of dollars in investments in schools, post-secondary, health and housing for our community.

4. Surrey South needs a representative in government that understands the unique and pressing needs of our growing community. I’ve proven myself to be an effective advocate for our community and a leader at the cabinet table. I bring a strong compassionate voice for balanced, responsible and thoughtful government. Our team has a plan to control spending, cut taxes and create jobs to secure a Strong BC.

Gary Hee (Independent), 72 , Clayton Rise townhouse complex near Katzie Elementary.

1. Controlled debt management; spending reduction; political service without discrimination.

2. Municipal gang violence; excessive speeding; hasty and wreckless development.

3. Created Block Watch area.Petitioned & influenced installation of major lighting systems at Surrey-Langley township border. Petitioned Liberal government & informed NDP party of my campaign for toll elimination.

4. Reduced fatalities along 72nd Ave from 192nd to 200th St. Reduced vehicle content and mail theft. Initiated fire extinguisher sales to raise donation for homeless fire victims. Selling fire extinguishers & first aid kits to raise donation for emergency department of hospitals in the Fraser Health Regional District and Peace Arch area. Petitioned for no bridge tolls to bring awareness of economic equality for all residents.

Peter Njenga (Independent), 59 Panorama Ridge

1. Affordable housing; health care; education.

2. Affordable housing; school funding; health care.

3. I volunteer my time and resources through Helping more than 5000 homeless people by giving food hampers & necessities. I also volunteer in church activities and Cloverdale Rodeo.

4. I care for community and I advocate for balanced community development including schools, housing, health care, business development, job creation, smart technology, innovation and environmental sustainability. My qualifications and experience -PhD(finance), MBA(strategic management), BCom, CPA and being a realtor implies that I have capacity and knowledge of being effective MLA who addresses issues from a global and regional perspective. I am dedicated, honest, reliable, and an advocate for social justice.

Fabiola Cecilia Palomino (Your Political Party of BC), 49, Surrey South

1. Economy; housing; healthcare.

2. Homelessness; agriculture; housing.

3. —

4. We have the best option in British Columbia with YPP ( Your Political Party), because we as a party will demand transparency to our government and the provincial budget that we proclaim should be public. 50 percent of British Columbians are turned off by BC politics so will be there to listen to British Columbians and not to do programs, actions or contracts in the government without consulting with our constituents.

Jonathan Silveira (BC NDP), 39, I have lived in Surrey for 15 years

1. Housing crisis; education; need rapid transit.

2. Schools; long-term care; child care.

3. I have worked to understand the needs of the families and small businesses in our community, and I will work to provide the services and jobs we need.

4. As a parent of a child in elementary school, I know the importance of education. As a realtor I have seen the trouble people have to find the housing they need. As an advisor I know people need a government that will make life more affordable. Our government can do much better and I will work with all the people of Surrey South.

Pascal Tremblay (BC Green), 36, North Vancouver

1. Corporate influence in politics; housing affordability; energy policy.

2. Educational funding; social services; housing policies.

3. Running for the Greens and giving the community a chance to vote for change they can count on was a good start. I look forward to doing a lot more.

4. Politics as usual doesn’t cut it anymore. Corporate influence and policies that help the few at the expense of the rest of us simply don’t work. We can do better and we have a choice. As a Green candidate, you’ll elect true representation that is powered by you and works for you only. No games, just someone you can count to do the right thing for the community, always.

Neighbouring ridings:



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