Survey feedback needed from seniors

“Please complete your Seniors’ Housing Survey!”

  • Mar. 25, 2015 8:00 p.m.

“Please complete your Seniors’ Housing Survey!”

That’s the message the board of The Slocan Valley Seniors’ Housing Society wants to get out to residents of Area H and Slocan, New Denver and Silverton this month, and to seniors who used to live in the Valley.

The Society is undertaking a survey of people 50 years and older to help them assess the need and demand for a seniors’ affordable housing project in Slocan.

“We’ve had a good response so far,” said Rita Moir, President of the Society. “We’ve had direct feedback from over 175 people so far at meetings we’ve held through this development process from New Denver to Crescent Valley,” added Moir, “but the more surveys turned in the better the picture we can get of current and future housing and support needs and references.”

The meeting held on St. Patrick’s day in Slocan drew the highest interest, with over 60 people in attendance to hear about the study, view the preliminary designs and give their feedback on the housing project.

The survey was distributed to every household in the valley as an insert, and is available at some businesses throughout the Valley to pick up and drop off.  It can also be filled out on-line by going to and following the links to the survey, or contacting the Society to be emailed a copy at or by phoning 250-226-7136.

“We need to hear from people,” said Moir. “It will help tell us what this project could look like and if we should go ahead with it.  Many seniors have had to move away from valley communities they helped build, because there was no appropriate housing available. We would like to hear from them. Valley residents may also have parents that they want to contact with the survey, to see if they want to come back to the valley and closer to their children.”

For more information contact Rita Moir  at 250-226-7759 or Slocan Valley Seniors’ Housing Society at 250-226-7136.


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