A master plan covering parks and recreation facilities like the Nelson and District Recreation Complex is expected to be complete in eight to nine months.

A master plan covering parks and recreation facilities like the Nelson and District Recreation Complex is expected to be complete in eight to nine months.

Survey finds Nelson facilities well-used

A phone survey has been completed that forms the first phase in the Greater Nelson Parks and Recreation Master Plan.

The Nelson and District Community Complex has completed a phone survey that forms the first phase in developing the Greater Nelson Parks and Recreation Master Plan.

“One of the most surprising things is how well used by everybody all the recreation facilities are, and that’s parks as well as facilities,” said Eric Bientjes,  recreation manager at the complex.

“People in Nelson and the greater area are hugely active. The participation rates are in the 90 per cent range.”

The survey is only part of the whole process, which Bientjes says will take about eight to nine months.

“First they do the telephone survey, then we meet with focus groups. Later they take a look at the inventory of all the recreation facilities, including buildings like the NDCC, Civic Centre, gymnasiums, parks, trails and sports fields.

“Then they look at what other communities have that are similar in nature in size to Nelson and the Nelson area, and also look at budget information of the various groups involved.”

Changes to facilities and parks will not necessarily be immediate, depending on what is decided must be altered.

“It could take years, but it depends. Some changes could be quick and easy, others may need a lot more planning or work to achieve,” Bientjes said.

NDCC staff are hoping to have the final report finished by the new year.

Bientjes thanked everyone who participated in the 20-minute telephone survey.

“People that gave time to answer it deserve recognition,” he said.

The total budget for the master plan is $75,000.

Nelson Star