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Survey results for phase one Town of Creston’s Curbside Consultation Campaign revealed

Data shows that respondents were not only satisfied with the current curbside collection service, but were also enthusiastic about the recommended enhanced service

  • Nov. 27, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Creston residents are satisfied with the current curbside collection service, but were also enthusiastic about the recommended enhanced service, according to survey results for phase one of the Town of Creston’s Curbside Consultation Campaign.

In an update to town council on Nov. 23, lead consultant Laura Francis said a total of 828 residents participated in the process. The survey was coordinated by Francis’s consultation group, OneDay Community Partners, from Oct. 26 to Nov. 15.

Results were broken down by: random phone surveys that garnered 360 responses, voluntary online participation that received 396 responses, as well as 72 other telephone responses.

Communty Engagement Findings by Aaron Hemens on Scribd

Roughly 87 per cent of respondents through phone surveys said they were satisfied or very satisfied with the town’s current curbside collection service. Fifty-four per cent rated the value of the current service — which is roughly $95 per single-family household annually — as very good or excellent.

Eighty per cent of those who answered online said they were satisfied or very satisfied with the current service, with 61 per cent rating the value of the current service as very good or excellent.

Sixty-three per cent of respondents by phone and 71 per cent online said that they would be satisfied or very satisfied with adding curbside collection of kitchen scraps and recyclables.

That would increase annual costs for a single-family household to $115 to $120, which was given a “poor value” rating by 15 per cent of respondents via phone surveys and 16 per cent online.

In terms of what could be included to improve the current curbside collection service, 42 per cent of respondents by phone said that adding recycling collection should be top priority. Seventy-five per cent of online respondents agreed.

Going forward, the report states that future changes to collection services will involve community consultation.

READ MORE: Town of Creston launches curbside consultation campaign

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Creston Valley Advance