Survey results spell end for curbside pick-up proposal

Talk of any curbside garbage and recyclable collection program has been curbed among district councillors in response to the results of a recent survey.

The District of Sicamous had mailed out 1,112 surveys to property owners who would have been included in the most recent curbside proposal: one bag of garbage a month, with unlimited recycling pickup every second week for $96.

Of the 439 surveys returned, 92 were in favour of the program while 347 were against.

Mayor Malcolm MacLeod thanked staff, noting the whole process was to make sure that everyone effected by the proposed mandatory program was given an opportunity to provide input.

“The idea of a survey going out to everyone effected worked very well,” said MacLeod. “We received more than 400 replies. I personally read each and every one of them. There were some good comments  expressed for and against, and also some very nasty ones. But the point is, everyone concerned had a chance to comment and be a part of the decision-making process.”


Council voted in support of staff’s recommendation that the curbside program not be approved and the district financial plan be amended accordingly.





Eagle Valley News