Mission RCMP have arrested a suspect in a series of graffiti incidents in downtown Mission. / Submitted Photos

Suspect arrested for graffiti tags in downtown Mission

RCMP have recommended charges against the person who tags the word NUGZ

An arrest has been made following a series of graffiti tags in the downtown core.

Mission business owners have been plagued by one particular person who paints the tag NUGZ all over the area.

Sean Barry, owner of the Candy Shack, is one of many business owners who said he is frustrated with the graffiti problem.

“It’s been getting worse and we’ve noticed one specific tag that’s been repeated block after block, month after month and night after night. It’s NUGZ,” explained Barry.

The four-letter tag, which Barry believes may be a shortened version of the person’s name, can be seen throughout Mission.

“Our building has been tagged as well the post office twice, the old Martin’s restaurant and on other buildings.”

He said finding the tag is both frustrating and embarrassing.

“It looks terrible and when people drive through our town they see graffiti, when they leave they see graffiti, it’s unsightly.”

It’s also expensive to remove.

In some cases the The downtown business association has to pay the company Graffiti Gone to take care of the matter.

“I have customers coming in saying, we spent money revitalizing Mission and this graffiti just defeats the purpose.”

However, the tagging may slow down. Mission RCMP Corp. Nathan Berze said they have been investigating the situation.

“We know about it, and we know who it is and that’s why we located him and arrested him and are forwarding charges,” said Berze.

The RCMP have been following up with property owners and getting information from them about the damages. They are waiting for Crown to approve charges.

Mission City Record

