Suspect cougar killed on farm

Cat suspected to be the one responsible for local livestock killings

The cougar thought to be responsible for livestock killings around Central Saanich and Saanich this past summer and fall and was shot dead Dec. 12 by conservation officer Peter Pauwels.

This past August, Central Saanich Police and conservation officers investigated several livestock killings in the Martindale Valley area of Central Saanich that were believed to be a result of cougar attacks.

There were also reports in Saanich of cougar sightings not far from the border of the two municipalities.

Seven goats at a farm on Puckle Road and a sheep from a farm on Welch Road were found dead during the summer and early fall.

Pauwels was called to a farm on West Saanich Road last Wednesday because a dead alpaca, suspected to have been killed by the cat which was later shot, had been found at a farm near the border of Central Saanich and Saanich.

Reports indicated the cougar, that weighed around 100 pounds, was around two years old and in general good health.


Peninsula News Review