RCMP in Alberta have arrested a suspect in connection with a series of reports about a man trying to enter residences in North Saanich last month. (Black Press Media File)

Suspect in North Saanich prowler reports arrested in Alberta

RCMP arrest man after local detachment appeals for public assistance

  • Sep. 7, 2021 12:00 a.m.

RCMP have arrested a suspect in connection with a series of reports about a man trying to enter residences in North Saanich.

Cpl. Andres Sanchez of Sidney/North Saanich RCMP said the man was arrested in Alberta with help of the local detachment’s forensic identification section, Nanaimo RCMP and RCMP in Alberta.

“Right now, he is looking at charges of break-and-enter, he is looking at charges of trespass by night and flight from a police officer,” said Sanchez, adding the suspect is in his early 50s.

“He has had on-going interactions with police, he has been known to do this type of crime in the past and is well-known to police for this type of crime,” Sanchez said. “He has served jail time in past and has multiple convictions for similar offences.”

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The individual remains in custody for a court appearance in Alberta. Police are appealing to try to have the individual held based on his record, Sanchez added. “This process is now in the hands of the court.”

After the court appearance, the individual will likely be transferred to British Columbia for a trial, with the timing of this process yet to be determined.

The arrest happened after Sidney/North Saanich issued an appeal for public assistance. Police responded in the early morning hours of Aug. 25 after receiving reports about a man prowling around residences in the area of both Lands End and Tsaykum roads.

Police located and confronted the man, who attempted to ram police while driving a stolen vehicle. The man fled and the stolen vehicle was later found abandoned. A second vehicle was reported stolen nearby, which was subsequently located in Nanaimo.

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