Oak Bay police issued these surveillance images after a theft from the Cork & Barrel liquor store. The bottle of stolen whisky was valued at $4,636.99. (Courtesy Oak Bay Police Department)

Suspect swipes $5,000 bottle of whisky from Oak Bay liquor shop

Fiat towed after driver fails field sobriety test

  • Jun. 22, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Oak Bay police are on the hunt after someone stole a bottle of liquor worth nearly $5,000.

Officers were called Monday by an employee of the Cork & Barrel liquor store on Oak Bay Avenue to report a man took a bottle of Macallan No. 6 from the shelf and left without paying. The bottle of whisky was valued at $4,636.99.

The suspect is described as a Caucasian man with a medium build wearing a blue ball cap, grey shirt with a logo on the front, black pants and white Adidas shoes. He had a tattoo on his left arm.

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Open garage sees two bikes stolen

Someone swiped two bikes after a resident inadvertently left a garage door open. Police were alerted June 16 after the bicycles were taken the night before from the 200-block of Denison Road. The bikes are described as a yellow Scott road bicycle worth about $3,500 and a white Schwinn hybrid with a red rack pannier valued at around $1,000.

Fiat towed after road stop

The scent of burnt marijuana alerted an officer conducting a road check at Beach Drive and Dorset Road June 19.

The 59-year-old driver failed a standard field sobriety test, was issued a 24-hour prohibition notice, and his 2014 black Fiat was towed.

READ ALSO: Copper wire stolen after Oak Bay construction site targeted twice by thieves

Do you have a story tip? Email: c.vanreeuwyk@blackpress.ca.

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