A full-sized SUV crashed through the garage of a house on McLure Drive in Maple Ridge on Friday.

A full-sized SUV crashed through the garage of a house on McLure Drive in Maple Ridge on Friday.

SUV blasts through one side of garage and out the other

Hits gas meter, causes natural gas leak, but no one injured.

  • Jun. 8, 2012 6:00 p.m.

People often complain about motorists speeding through their neighbourhoods.

Residents along McClure Drive near 106th Avenue though, especially Karen Rogers, may have a case.

Rogers moved into her home in the 24600-block of McClure Drive on Feb. 24 – the same day a teenage driver came barrelling down the hill and around the bend, into her front yard, narrowly missing her garage by a few metres.

Friday, her garage wasn’t so lucky.

At about 3 p.m., a dark-coloured Chrysler Aspen SUV came barrelling down the hill and around the bend, careered over a neighbour’s driveway, plowed through a cedar hedge, flew over a planter, then plowed into the side of Rogers’ garage, before exiting the other side. The female driver wasn’t injured.

Rogers wasn’t home at the time but was on scene shortly after, surveying the damage.

According to RCMP, the vehicle ran into the gas meter, causing a gas leak. But firefighters shut off the supply before any fire started.

The vehicle missed the corner of the garage, and instead smashed into the middle of the wall before coming out the other side.

Bystanders watching the clean up said traffic often speeds on the sweeping bend along McClure.

“It’s like a little raceway,” said Diana Moric who lives nearby.

Crossing the intersection at 106th Avenue and McClure is dangerous.

“It’s like, ‘run for your life’ because it’s a blind corner. People are going fast.”

She said a roundabout or stop signs should be installed at the intersection.

“Something that’s going to slow the traffic. There are so many kids.

“So lucky nobody got hurt.”

Maple Ridge News