Swan Lake Christmas Hill Nature Sanctuary is set to host an event on Sept. 19 that utilizes an app called iNaturalist. (Megan Atkins-Baker/News Staff)

Swan Lake Christmas Hill Nature Sanctuary to host event, digital tools for community science

Event on Sept. 19 will allow attendees to record observations on an app called iNaturalist

  • Sep. 17, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Swan Lake Christmas Hill Nature Sanctuary is hosting a digital event on Sunday, Sept. 19 that aims to connect the community to science through an application called iNaturalist.

The app serves scientists and curious nature-lovers alike to observe, record, and discuss their findings with other like-minded naturalists.

Teams of all ages and experiences will explore the surrounding area and create iNaturalist entries for trees, insects, moss, birds, flowers, ferns, and many other forms of life that call Swan Lake and Christmas Hill home.

The event will provide a free lunch, with precautions in mind, while sharing participant discoveries.

The teams’ total observations will be tallied and each individual on the team with the most observations will receive a cellphone macro photo lens.

An environmental educator will help observers note plants, animals, and fungi on-site, which will subsequently lead to a deeper appreciation for the local biodiversity seen at the nature sanctuary.

To participate all attendees will need the iNaturalist app on their phone and an iNaturalist account.

Visit inaturalist.org to learn more.

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