Swan Lake sewer discussed

The prospect of sewer services in a Greater Vernon development area is gaining momentum

The prospect of sewer services in a Greater Vernon development area is gaining momentum.

Regional District of North Okanagan representatives have met with commercial property owners along the Swan Lake corridor.

“We talked to them about their vision for the area,” said director Mike Macnabb.

“They are supportive of the liquid waste management plan process and getting sewer out there. That is somewhat encouraging.”

There is pressure to provide sewer service because of ongoing commercial and industrial opportunities along the development.

Besides RDNO going it alone, another option is for the City of Vernon to extend sewer into the area but the corridor would then have to annex into the city.

Akbal Mund, Vernon mayor, says he has no concerns about the RDNO process.

“I am pleased they are looking at services out there. At least people are thinking about bringing more business to our area,” he said.

Part of regional district process includes looking at whether its own sewer treatment facility could provide services to Spallumcheen and the Okanagan Indian Reserve.

RDNO has been lobbying the city to enter into a municipal boundary extension protocol agreement to handle annexations, but on Monday, council will be asked by city staff not to enter into an agreement.

“We already have our own boundary agreement,” said Mund.

“Why should we change ours to go with one from another jurisdiction?”

City staff also recommends that if RDNO is interested in a block boundary extension or an extension of sewer into the Swan Lake corridor linked to annexation, the city would be willing to participate at that time.



Vernon Morning Star