A swimming adivsory has been issued for Summerland’s Rotary Beach (John Arendt - Summerland Review)

Swimming advisory for Rotary Beach in Summerland

Bacterial counts in recent samples were at unsafe levels

  • Sep. 4, 2021 12:00 a.m.

A swimming advisory has been issued for Rotary Beach in Summerland.

The advisory from Summerland Recreation notes recent bacterial counts for the water exceed what is considered safe by Health Canada.

READ MORE: Swimming advisory issued again for Osoyoos’ Legion Beach

Multiple beaches across the South Okanagan have suffered from swimming advisories this year.

Currently, the Legion Beach in Osoyoos is under it’s second swimming advisory of the year due to E. Coli.

No date was issued for when the Summerland swimming advisory will lift.

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Summerland Review