The Skidegate Band Council Emergency Operations Centre provided an update on Friday, April 24, 2020 that said the part-time Sandspit resident who may have been exposed to someone who tested positive for COVID-19 had remained symptom-free for two weeks and left the island. (Wikimedia Commons photo)

The Skidegate Band Council Emergency Operations Centre provided an update on Friday, April 24, 2020 that said the part-time Sandspit resident who may have been exposed to someone who tested positive for COVID-19 had remained symptom-free for two weeks and left the island. (Wikimedia Commons photo)

‘Symptom-free two weeks’: Skidegate EOC lifts warning about Sandspit COVID-19 exposure

Emergency Operations Centre update says individual has been symptom-free for two weeks

  • Apr. 27, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Residents of Haida Gwaii can breathe a sigh of relief since the Skidegate Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) lifted its warning about COVID-19 exposure in Sandspit.

According to Skidegate Band Council chief councillor Billy Yovanovich, the part-time resident who was exposed to a roommate who tested positive for COVID-19 has remained symptom-free since the exposure was announced on April 12.

“The intervening period was a stressful time for all of us and really made the pandemic that much more real,” Yovanovich said in an information update on April 24. “The individual in question departed Haida Gwaii last week and has remained symptom-free two weeks since potential exposure.”

The EOC previously said the part-time resident may have subsequently been in contact with Skidegate band members and the public, and asked all members to refrain from going to Sandspit except to supply essential services.

ALSO READ: Skidegate Band Council warns of COVID-19 exposure in Sandspit

While Yovanovich said residents “can all breathe a sigh of relief” with the most recent update, he stressed the importance of people not lowering their guard against the spread of the virus to the island.

“We should continue to practise social distancing until such time as the provincial health officer declares it is okay to do otherwise,” he said. “I want to ask our members to please refrain from large social gatherings — parties — because this poses an unnecessary risk to all.

“We can celebrate after this pandemic passes but, until then, we must remain vigilant in our commitment to social distancing for the safety of our community.”

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