Members of Summerland United Church extend a welcome to the Albetar family. The family of Syrian refugees are scheduled to arrive in Summerland today. The church has agreed to sponsor the family. The items in the picture were collected for the family’s home in Summerland.

Members of Summerland United Church extend a welcome to the Albetar family. The family of Syrian refugees are scheduled to arrive in Summerland today. The church has agreed to sponsor the family. The items in the picture were collected for the family’s home in Summerland.

Syrian family arrives

A family of five Syrian refugees will arrive in Summerland on March 26.

A family of five Syrian refugees will arrive in Summerland on March 26.

Mohammed Hussam Albetar and Nadya Alsagher, with their daughter Bayan Albetar and Razan Albetar and their son Ghassan Albetar are being sponsored by Summerland United Church.

They are among 10,000 Syrian refugees the government of Canada is taking in over the next three years.

Elected officials are welcoming the family to the community.

“We certainly welcome them with open arms and hope they enjoy the Summerland experience,” Mayor Peter Waterman said.

“I think it’s an idea place for a family with children. There are tremendous resources in the community.”

“On behalf of the government of British Columbia, I am thrilled to welcome Mohammed and Nadya, their daughters Bayan and Razan and son Ghassan to Summerland in the beautiful Okanagan Valley,” said Dan Ashton, MLA for the riding of Penticton.

“I ask everyone to make our new neighbours feel welcome in the best place on earth.”

“As the Member of Parliament for Okanagan-Coquihalla it gives me great pleasure to warmly welcome you to this beautiful part of British Columbia and the community of Summerland,” MP Dan Albas said.

“Canada is a strong and free country that embraces our great diversity but shares common values that are part of what it means to be Canadian.  I know that you have chosen a kind and caring community and will greatly enjoy the many new friends and neighbours in your new home.  Welcome to Canada!”

Members of the church, along with others in the community, have been working to prepare for the family’s arrival.

Over the past two weeks, volunteers from the church have worked to set up the house where the family will live.

The house has been painted and the furniture has been set up.

At present, the church has received the furnishings needed for the family, as well as more than $8,000 for the costs of sponsorship.

The church is looking to raise a total of $18,000 for sponsorship costs.

Household items have also been provided and the kitchen, cupboards and closets have been stocked.

In order to stock the kitchen, church members were each told to bring specific items such as a bag of rice, carrots, onions or other food supplies.

David Sparks, co-chair of the church’s sponsorship committee, said their translator, Ayman Kanaan, has been helpful in identifying the items they will need.

“We’re excited and pleased with the response we’ve received from the community,” said Armand Houle, pastor of the church. “People have been so generous in their support.”

Sparks  said the community has supported the church’s sponsorship efforts. “We’ve received gifts from people in the church, but also from people outside the faith community,” he said.

Kathy McMillan, a member of the church, said donations have come from Peachland, Penticton and Kaleden as well as from Summerland. The Muslim community in Kelowna has also offered support.

Beginning next week, the church will assist the family in setting up a bank account. They will also work with South Okanagan Immigrant and Community Services to take care of other required documentation, including social insurance numbers, medical paperwork, school registration and more.

The children will begin school early next week.


Summerland Review