Syrian Refugee Group of Fort St. James: on their way for sponsorship process to begin

The Syrian Refugee Group is well on their way to raising enough funds in support of sponsoring a Syrian family in Fort St. James.

  • Jul. 27, 2016 4:00 p.m.

Barbara Latkowski

Caledonia Courier

The Syrian Refugee Group is well on their way to raising enough funds in support of sponsoring a Syrian family in Fort St. James.

About $27,000 is needed before the process can even begin.

Donations are coming in and the group is thankful for all of the community support so far as they reach the target dollar amount required.

The group’s executive committee is set and training is also in the works and is being provided by the Central Mennonite Committee.

The sponsorship process is currently being run through the committee as they continue to answer questions and provide support throughout the sponsorship process.

The training includes important information about the sponsorship process from culture and language to expectations and financial obligations.

“With this training, we can build on education and in teaching the community about sponsorship,” Vice-Chair Louise Evans-Salt said.

It has been reported that many are depressed as they wait and are now having second thoughts as their hopes for a new beginning are fading.

Many Syrian Refugees already have government sponsorship but are just waiting. All they require is an invitation to come to Fort St. James.

For anyone who would like to make a personal donation, they can do so at the Integris Credit Union in Fort St. James.

Cheques may be made payable to the Fort St. James Syrian Refugee Sponsorship Group.

And raffle tickets are still being sold with exciting prizes.

Winners will be named on Sept. 24.

The next training session from the Central Mennonite Committee will take place on Aug. 12 at David Hoy Elementary School.

The Caledonia Courier continues to be a proud supporter of the Syrian Refugee Group of Fort St. James.






Caledonia Courier