Laura Szendrei

Laura Szendrei

Szendrei case put off until April 4

Accused teen scheduled to appear by video.

A scheduled appearance by the teen accused of first-degree murder in the Laura Szendrei case has been put off until April 4.

The 18-year-old was to set a trial date in Surrey Provincial Court on Monday morning, but due to the unavailability of a video link, the matter was put off.

Szendrei, 15, died after being attacked in George Mackie Park on Sept. 25 of last year.

“She was a good girl,” said Better Rotaro, Laura’s grandmother. “Why would anybody want to hurt her?”

Because the young man was 17 at the time of the offense he is accused of committing, under the Youth Criminal Justice Act, he cannot be publicly identified.

Laura’s father Mike said he takes solace knowing the accused killer is in custody.

“I can’t run around solving problems, he’s in jail, they’ve done their job,” Mike Szendrei said. “It’s going to take a long time it seems, they warned me this would happen.”


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