Salish Secondary in Clayton

Salish Secondary in Clayton

Take a virtual flight through Surrey’s newest secondary school

Salish Secondary in Clayton is scheduled to open in 2018

Take a virtual tour through Surrey’s newest secondary school.

Salish Secondary, the new 1,500-student, state-of-the-art school is located at 7278 184 street and is expected to ease some of the overcrowding at both Lord Tweedsmuir and Clayton Secondary Schools.

The school for students from grades eight to 12 will also feature two large gymnasiums, a theatre, a large open-concept student common area, a high-tech lab and fitness room, as well as numerous outdoor and roof-top social spaces.

The school is scheduled to be open to students in 2018 and will be the new home to the French Immersion Program.

Click here to begin the tour

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