Taps awning collapses under weight of snow

The wicked weather that raced through Golden over the weekend of January 14th didn’t just leave aching backbones, from excessive shovelling, in the spinal region of Golden residents; it also left some destruction in its wake

  • Jan. 26, 2011 8:00 a.m.
The awning on Taps Pub collapsed on the night of Sunday, January 16th under a mass amount of snow from the winter storm. Luckily, no one was hurt and the mess was cleaned up by Monday.

The awning on Taps Pub collapsed on the night of Sunday, January 16th under a mass amount of snow from the winter storm. Luckily, no one was hurt and the mess was cleaned up by Monday.

The wicked weather that raced through Golden over the weekend of January 14th didn’t just leave aching backbones, from excessive shovelling, in the spinal region of Golden residents; it also left some destruction in its wake. Specifically, the marauding flakes falling from the sky targeted the Golden Taps Pub. On Sunday, January 16th at around midnight, the pub’s awning, facing out front of the establishment on 9th Ave. North, gave way to a mass of heavy snow that had accumulated on top of it, and collapsed in a thunderous boom.

“It was so loud. We heard it at our table, all the way at the back of the bar,” said one patron who happened to be present on the night of the damage.

Fortunately, no one was caught under the falling wooden structure, and no injuries

“With the highways being closed, it was a busier Sunday night than usual; the bar was full. We are happy to announce that no one was injured by the falling awning,” Owner/Operator of Taps, Adam Mccullough said about the damage.

Clean up of the mess took place for half a day on the following Monday; the lengthy awning had to be cut into sections before being loaded into a dumpster. Interesting enough, it was the same day that many other businesses on 9th Ave. North proceeded to clear the snow off of their weighed-down awnings.

“I guess our awning falling kind of spurred on other businesses around to get their’s cleared off,” Mccullough added.

Taps is currently in the process of having the insurance side of the matter taken care of. After that, it’ll be a rebuild for the establishment.

“We’ll be putting the awning back up as soon as the insurance side of things are all taken care of. The new awning will be slightly updated…I guess that’s a good thing,” Mccullough concluded.

Golden Star