Women of TAPS program in Creston. (Photo credit Valley Community Services)

TAPS: Seniors’ hindsight should be celebrated

TAPS spoke on why they love to serve our local seniors

  • Jun. 10, 2021 12:00 a.m.

TAPS (Therapeutic Activation Program for Seniors) is a local partnership with Valley Community Services that currently serves 86 seniors in the Creston area.

Before the pandemic, TAPS provided seniors, of the average age of 83, with many opportunities to come together, participate in fun activities, connect and support each other, and just take pleasure in life.

Some of the activities included TaiChi, water exercise, walking, rehabilitative exercises and games, singing, ukulele, book club, gardening, art, educational workshops and guest speakers. Home-cooked meals were also served four days a week.

Now that COVID-19 has become a challenge, TAPS has had to make adjustments to keep everyone safe from a distance.

“We are longing and hoping to get back to in-person gatherings with friends as soon as we can,” said Bridget Currie, TAPS program co-ordinator. “We’re working very hard to return to normal.”

Daily phone calls were made to seniors for safety check-ups and socialization. Through telephone conferences, seniors were still able to connect with friends from a safe distance at home and keep participating in group activities like book club and bingo.

TAPS has also continued to serve home-cooked dishes through Meals on Wheels.

“Everyday, I get to visit, chat with, and learn from the very best people in Creston,” said Currie.

“Seniors have a wealth of knowledge and life lessons that can learned from them. It’s a privilege to be able to support those who continue to live in their own homes.”

From one of the telephone conferences, Currie said she was particularly moved. A group of local Grade 8 students interviewed some seniors with questions like, “What is beautiful to you?”

“When the students asked those questions, such profound answers came out of it,” said Currie.

“Their perspective is so very different, and that’s very valuable. There was a great lesson to learn from it that whatever you think is beautiful now will not be the same 20 years from now. Their hindsight should be celebrated. As you spend time with them, their wonderful stories of resilience and strength start to come out.”

For more information on TAPS, call 250-428-5585 or email taps@valley.services.

READ MORE: Creston Valley Seniors Association hopes to start up activities again soon

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