Taylors dispute allegations in court

Adlem launched lawsuit prior to November election

Ted Adlem

Ted Adlem

Former Mission councillor Ron Taylor and his wife Mildred are disputing all allegations in court that they were involved in sending emails containing defamatory remarks and blackmail to former Mission mayor Ted Adlem weeks before the 2014 municipal election.

In a response to the civil claim filed last week, the Taylors denied the claims and opposed any relief sought against them.

When asked why they did not provide a version of facts, Ron Taylor stated in an email to The Record, “Very simply, I have no idea how the emails were sent. A moment’s thought should clearly indicate that I cannot know … who did what.”

Taylor also claimed the accusations are baseless.

Adlem launched a lawsuit in BC Supreme Court on Nov. 4 after receiving numerous emails that “falsely and maliciously” allege that the plaintiff engaged in sexual impropriety, improperly made use of his public office, and was a person of immoral character. The emails also contained threats of further defamation.

The emails sent on Oct 4, Oct. 15, Oct. 17, and Oct. 30 originated from an account belonging to a “Keith Rawes.”

Through a court order, Adlem and his lawyers traced the computer IP address used to access the account to the Taylors. A second IP address was found, but it failed to login in to the account, according to court documents.

Previously, Taylor told The Record his network at home was unsecured because he had been having problems with his router, giving anyone near his home access to his Internet service.

Mission City Record