Teachers axe extracurricular activities

Teachers in the northwest are prepared to withdraw from extracurricular activities to push the province to repeal Bill-22.

  • Apr. 28, 2012 7:00 p.m.

Teachers in the Northwest held meetings throughout the region lst week as teachers prepare to withdraw from extracurricular activities in the hope of forcing the provincial government to repeal Bill-22.

The provincial government passed legislation last month to end teacher job action initiated at the start of the school year in September. However, the BCTF’s attempt to draw one more line in the sand puts the future of sports teams and after school student clubs in the wind.

“Today we’re having a zone meeting of the north coast,” Karin Andrews, president of the Terrace District Teachers Union, said.

The meetings are being held across the province to enable solidarity as the provinces 30,000 teachers fight for smaller class sizes and pay increases.

However, as turbulent negotiations continue to hinder any kind of compromise, teachers in north central B.C. are holding strong, and are asking parents for support.

“We’re hoping parents will perhaps contact the trustees in their local areas and let them know that things need to change and public education needs to be fully funded, and they will speak-out and ask the government to repeal Bill-22,” Andrews said.



Smithers Interior News