Teachers continue pickets

Despite summer vacation, teachers in School District #83 are setting up picket lines in Salmon Arm roughly once a week

Despite summer vacation, teachers in School District #83 are setting up picket lines in Salmon Arm roughly once a week.

The teachers are picketing due to the contract dispute between the provincial government and the BC Teachers Federation. Negotiations between the BCTF and the BC Public School Employer’s Association resumed Friday after being on hold for three weeks.

Brenda O’Dell, president of the North Okanagan Shuswap Teachers Association, said teachers have been picketing at various schools in the area for about four weeks.

“It’s to keep in people’s minds that this job action isn’t over yet for teachers,” she said.

O’Dell wasn’t able to provide a schedule of upcoming picket lines, as she said they are generally decided randomly.


Salmon Arm Observer