Teachers’ strike action may escalate, super warns

Campbell River School District gives the heads-up to parents on possible rotating strikes

Local schools may close on a rotating basis and extracurriculars could be cancelled if teachers’ job action escalates.

“Unfortunately, due to the current and potential escalation of strike action, field trips and other year-end activities may need to be changed or cancelled,” wrote Tom Longridge, superintendent of the Campbell River school district, in letter sent out Thursday to all parents and guardians.

At this point, he added, graduation ceremonies for secondary students are still a go, but those plans may change.

If schools do close on a rotating basis, the B.C. Teachers’ Federation is required to provide the district with 48 hours notice.

There’s also the possibility of a province-wide teachers strike. If that occurs, 72 hours notice will be provided to the district.

“Should the strike action continue into the summer, Summer School many also need to be cancelled,” wrote Longridge, who added that some courses would be available online.

The teachers’ union and the province are attempting to work out a new contract, but appear far from an agreement.

In April, teachers began the first phase of job action by curtailing communication with administration and not supervising students outside school hours.

Longridge has promised to keep parents and guardians informed of any news and directed those with questions to e-mail: jobaction@sd72.bc.ca



Campbell River Mirror