Teck has reported three separate incidents of ammonia leaks at Trail fertilizer ops this year. Photo: Trail Times

Teck Trail reports third ammonia leak this year

The company closed Bingay Road temporarily as a precaution

Teck Trail is reporting that another ammonia leak occurred at its fertilizer operations last week.

This is the third ammonia leak at the Teck Trail fertilizer plant this year.

The first was on March 26, and the second on April 16.

The company closed Bingay Road for a short period of time as a precaution for the March 26 and April 26 leaks.

This road runs adjacent to fertilizer operations.

Company staff and crews responded to the emergency incident the afternoon of April 26, Teck spokesperson Jayne Garry confirmed.

“The leak was contained to the operation and appropriate regulatory authorities were notified,” she said. “There were no injuries and no risk to the community or environment.”

There have been two similar incidents since late March; in each of those cases there was no risk to the community or environment, Garry said.

“Teck Trail Operations takes these incidents very seriously and is investigating and taking corrective action to prevent further incidents.”

Teck produces a range of industrial and fertilizer products, which are all recovered from zinc and leading smelting operations in Trail.

Read more: From medical equipment to water treatment: Why Teck Trail is an essential service

Read more: Teck Trail reports ammonia leak

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