TEDx sharing information at North Island College

North Island College’s Alumni Association wants to introduce you to TED, a non-profit organization devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading.

North Island College’s Alumni Association wants to introduce you to TED, a non-profit organization devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading.

Originally developed in 1984 as a conference to bring together people from the realms of Technology, Entertainment & Design, TED has since expanded to include many offspring, one of which is the TEDx events.

North Island College (NIC)’s Alumni Association will host TEDx Comox Valley on April 4 at the Stan Hagen Theatre.

Guests will experience screenings of TEDTalks videos, live presentations by local speakers and even a mystery musical guest.

Topics will cover a wide range of subjects intended to foster learning and inspire deep conversations and connections that matter.

“Hosting our own TEDx event is the perfect platform for getting alumni engaged in sharing conversations both locally and globally,” explains Tree Murdock, NIC’s alumni affairs assistant. “TEDx is a conduit for sharing knowledge and ideas and so is the college. This event will support the spread of innovation, the advancement of ideas and the stimulation of conversations among academics, students, professionals, alumni and community members.”

Highlights from the roster of speakers include Beth Campbell Duke speaking on A New Perspective on Work: The Personal Brand-ifesto, Tom Dishlevoy presenting the Comparison of the CV Living City Challenge and the Regional Growth Strategy, Bruce Muir presenting a piece on Existential Analysis, and NIC alumnus Billy Strachan who submitted three short video clips from Fiji to highlight some of his experiences and the questions they arouse.

“Being able to connect NIC’s Alumni Association with TEDx’s established standard of excellence is so positive,” continued Murdock. “In the spirit of Ideas Worth Spreading, we can learn from each other while we demonstrate that learning doesn’t have to stop once you leave school.”

Doors open April 4 at 6:45 p.m.

Admission to this event is free, but seating is limited and access to the theatre will be discontinued at 7 p.m. when the talks begin.

To RSVP or to find out more, visit the TEDxComoxValley page or event on Facebook.

For more information about North Island College’s Alumni Association, contact Tree Murdock at tree.murdock@nic.bc.ca.

— North Island College Alumni Association

Comox Valley Record