The performance was filmed and edited by local filmmaker, James Hillman. (Soranne Floarea/ The Free Press)

Teen Theatre Club performs on the big screen

This autumn's socially-distant performance was filmed and screened at the Vogue Theatre

  • Nov. 9, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Masks on and bags of popcorn in hand, theatre-buffs came out to watch the Fernie Youth Action Network’s (FYAN) Teen Theatre Company perform Ghostfacers: Ghost Hunt at the Station at the Vogue Theatre on Oct. 29.

Though the Teen Theatre Company’s shows are typically performed live at The Arts Station, this year’s production was adapted into a film to respect capacity restrictions and social distancing guidelines.

“It felt so nice to just get out,” said FYAN program coordinator, Alana Minifie-Rybar.

“It’s about community building, it’s about inspiring, and just creating that space to come together – that’s what theatre does.”

According to Minifie-Rybar, the production not only offered teens an outlet for creativity during a challenging time, but filming the play made it accessible to the actor’s extended families, who could watch them perform from home.

“In some ways there’s more opportunity now – joining these two mediums has created a whole new thing, I think it’s actually going to put us in a position where we can do more by sharing our productions,” said Minifie-Rybar.

The play’s story line followed a group of ghost-hunting teens on an adventure through the Arts Station, touching on topics including the Spanish Flu and women’s rights.

With a group comprised of 11 cast members and six costume and set personnel, the team astonishingly managed to write, rehearse, perform and edit the production in just six weeks.

Following the screening, program officer of the Arts Station, Jackie Graham, and executive director Louise Ferguson handed out Oscars to the cast and crew, acknowledging the teens for their acting, local filmmaker, James Hillman for his cinematography and fast turn-around, and Minifie-Rybar for her directing, producing and screenplay writing.

Up next for the Teen Theatre Company is a mythology workshop, with a comedic twist. For more information on FYAN’s upcoming events, head to their Facebook page or visit

Fernie Free Press