Teens warned about fentanyl

Teens warned about fentanyl

Surrey School District, RCMP send students home with a letter about dangerous drugs on the streets.

The Surrey School District and RCMP are sending students home with a warning about dangerous drugs making their way onto local streets.

Last week, high school students were sent home with letters of warning about fentanyl and W-18, both of which are fairly recent additions to the illicit drug scene.

Fentanyl is believed responsible for 308 drug deaths from January to May of this year in B.C.

W-18, which has not faced human lab trials, is believed to be many times stronger than fentanyl

Health officials believe that drug users are unaware they are taking the drugs, as they’re being sold as heroin, Oxycodone (a powerful opiate) and Percocet (Oxycodone and acetaminophen).

“We want to ensure that you are aware of some of the current risks with respect to illicit drugs so that you and your family can have a safe summer,” Surrey School District Supt. Jordan Tinney and RCMP OIC Bill Fordy said in a joint letter to students and parents.

“Despite our best efforts as parents, our children can easily be at-risk of drug use. They are young and influenced by people and factors outside of our control.”

Surrey School District spokesperson Doug Strachan said it was an opportune time to alert children and parents about the risks.

He noted that only high school students were given the letter to bring home.

“We haven’t seen it in our schools,” Strachan said of the drugs, “we haven’t seen issues arise from that yet. But awareness is key.”

The letter contains information about what signs to look for in your child if you suspect they are using and how to address them about it.

Signs your kids may be using drugs:

  • Increased secrecy about possessions, friends and activities;
  • Use of incense, room deodorant, or perfume to hide smoke or chemical odours;
  • New interest in clothes that reference drug use;
  • Increased need for money; or
  • Missing prescription drugs – especially narcotics and sedatives.

The full letter sent home with Surrey students can be found at http://bit.ly/28LVUFD





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