Telkwa Village Office sign. (Marisca Bakker photo)

Telkwa Council Briefs: Regular Meeting, March 23, 2021

Wastewater and sewer contracts awarded

  • Apr. 1, 2021 12:00 a.m.


Telkwa council has awarded the contract for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrades Construction project.

Terus Construction (Canyon Contracting) submitted the low and winning bid at $1,360,423 coming in approximately $12,000 under the second lowest from WSP.

Coun. Leroy Dekens asked if the contract the staff recommendation to award the contract was based on the Village’s grading system.

Lev Hartfeil, director of operations, explained because this was a tender and not an RFP, the contract goes to the lowest compliant bid.

“The tender price is within the budgeted amount and is in line with the Opinion of Probable Cost provided by the contract administrator and design engineer, WSP,” a staff report stated.

The project is 100 per cent funded by the federal Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program — Rural and Northern Communities.

Hartfeil expects the construction part of the project to be completed by fall with a further dredging of the lagoon to take place within a couple of years after it has a chance to settle.


Telkwa council has awarded the contract for the Howson Ave. Sewer Main construction project.

Only two bids were received from Canadian Western Mechanical coming out on top with a bid of 257,200 compared to Cutting Edge Project’s 289,551.

The new main will run from the Second Street/Howson Ave. area down the slope to an existing manhole across Hwy 16 from the Eddy Park Lift Station.

Director of operations Lev Hartfeil expects construction to be done this summer.


The Village of Telkwa will support an application by Bulkley Valley Emergency Support Services (BVESS) for a $50,000 grant to purchase a power storage system and satellite commication and internet system.

In a presentation to council at its March 23 regular meeting, fire chief Laurence Turney on behalf of BVESS explained that the power storage system will provide another level of redundancy for the village and the Town of Smithers in the event of an emergency.

The VSAT communication and internet system will enhance the capabilities of the existing BaseCamp communication system BVESS purchased with the grant in 2019 by provided backup satellite communication and internet links.

Council unanimously voted to provide a resolution for the application and approve Smithers as the managing entity for the grant.

Smithers Interior News