The Woodland Ice Rink.

The Woodland Ice Rink.

Telkwa hoping for grant money to repair rink

Village has applied for federal gas tax grant to renovate the Woodland Park Rink

The Village of Telkwa is hoping to spruce up the Woodland Park Rink with grant money.

According to the Village, over the past several years the rink has become dilapidated and is in need of repair.

Both staff and the public have expressed concerns regarding the state of it.

In a report to council, staff wrote the poor quality of the rink was mentioned frequently by residents in a recent study and it plays an important role in the community year-round for recreation, socializing and events.

However, lately, the rink has become an eye sore.

Telkwa council agreed to apply for money from the Federal Gas Tax Fund at their last regular meeting.

If successful, the plan is to demolish the current rink, rebuild a new one with treated plywood to support and hold ice better and ensure all lights around the rink function and paint it.

Councillor Leroy Dekens asked how long it will take to get an answer if the application is successful.

“We should get a pretty fast turnaround to know if we got the money,” explained Director of Operations Lev Hartfeil.

“The goal is to get the project done this year, weather dependent.”

The Village did receive a quote from a contractor for just over $15,000 to do the work.

The Federal Gas Tax Fund requires the Village to contribute a portion so the Village will apply for just over $13,000 and use $2,000 from the existing parks and playgrounds operation budget for the rest.

Smithers Interior News