Crews contracted by BC Hydro are relocating power poles at the 6 Mile Summit project between Houston and Burns Lake. (Laurel Blackwell photo)

Telus also needs to move lines at highway project site

Will use poles BC Hydro is placing

BC Hydro isn’t the only utility moving its services because of the project to add a passing lane and make other improvements at the 6 Mile Summit.

Telus also needs to move its fibre optic lines to the section of new poles being erected by BC Hydro.

“We have joint use poles along this stretch and we are waiting for BC Hydro to install new poles and complete their transfers,” said Lena Chen from Telus.

“Once complete, we will transfer our fibre [lines]. Targeting for this work to happen week of March 8,” she said.

Crews from Allteck, a hydro services company, hired by BC Hydro have been busy relocating the stretch of power lines along the project route.

A two-kilometre long westbound passing lane will be added, an extension of the eastbound passing lane constructed and updates will be added to the entry and exit lanes to the brake check and chain off areas at 6 Mile Summit.

In all, crews are relocating utility poles along a four-kilometre stretch of roadway at the project location.

Burns Lake Lakes District News