When river levels were at their highest on Saturday, the water was only a few feet from Highway 28.

When river levels were at their highest on Saturday, the water was only a few feet from Highway 28.

Temporary dike installed as water edged close to top of Campbell River bank

UPDATE: Flood alert rescinded Sunday afternoon

The Campbell River overflowed its banks in a number of places along Highway 28 on Saturday. Photo: Alistair Taylor/Campbell River Mirror

With a provincial flood warning in place and water flowing close to the top of the bank in the Campbell River late last week and earlier this weekend, city crews built a sandbag berm along the lowest edge of the river bank in front of the Riverside Inn (formerly the Campbell River Lodge).

On Nov. 11, crews stacked sandbags one foot high along 75 metres to reduce the possibility of water overflowing at this location.

In anticipation of peak rainfall forecast for Sunday, and in case the water level in the river overflowed the banks despite the additional height gained with sandbag berm, city crews also built a temporary dike adjacent to the Campbell River Lodge parking lot.

On the afternoon of Nov. 12, assembly of a 90-metre temporary dike took approximately four hours, with trucks delivering sand and gravel and loaders filling portable steel-cage containers. The temporary dike extends from Redwood Street almost to Petersen Road to hold back water that could overflow the river bank and spread into low-lying areas of Campbellton.

Funding for the portable flood protection system supplies and dike assembly work came from the provincial emergency program. The Province of British Columbia describes this temporary dike as being quick to deploy and construct, with a proven record in flood events and able to be disassembled, stored and re-deployed in future flood events.

The city installed both the sandbag berm and temporary dike with permission of the Campbell River Lodge and advised neighbouring property owners of the action being taken. Access to the Campbell River Lodge and neighbouring properties remains open at this time.

Campbell River firefighters went door-to-door twice with written notices advising people of the flooding risk and how to prepare to protect their property from flood damage.

To assist people with protecting their property, supplies for sand bags are available at:

  • Spruce St. and 19th Ave. (bring a shovel!)
  • the City’s Dogwood Operations Centre (385 S. Dogwood – enter from driveway on Merecroft)
  • the Emcon yard at 7025 Gold River Hwy (intersection of highway and Argonaut Rd)

Find updates on:

  • City of Campbell River’s Website
  • City of Campbell River Facebook page
  • Strathcona Emergency Program Facebook page
  • Strathcona Emergency Program Twitter feed @SEP_EPC

The river level began dropping Sunday afternoon and the flood warning was rescinded. The city is continued to monitor the weather and river levels, and crews are on call to assist as necessary.

Call 250-287-7444 for after-hours emergency assistance.

The city is recommending everyone keep a safe distance from the river because of wet, slippery conditions and fast-flowing water.

The City of Campbell River installed a sandbag berm and temporary dike in the parking lot of the Campbell River Lodge from Redwood Street almost to Petersen Road to hold back water that could overflow from the Campbell River.The City of Campbell River installed a sandbag berm and temporary dike in the parking lot of the Campbell River Lodge from Redwood Street almost to Petersen Road to hold back water that could overflow from the Campbell River.

Campbell River Mirror