Temporary museum eyed for First Avenue

Old Resources Centre could display artifacts

  • Aug. 16, 2011 5:00 p.m.

The Ladysmith Historical Society is thrilled they have been given the option to see a long-time dream come true.


When the Resources Centre moved to its new location on High Street, the Ladysmith and District Credit Union offered use of the old building on First Avenue as a temporary spot for the museum.


Historical Society President Maureen Martin said they are grateful for the offer and will be meeting with its members on August 16 to discuss options to make the top half of the building wheelchair accessible.


“We’ve been offered this chance and the town is behind us,” said Martin. “I think it’s a great opportunity and something our town has needed.”


The Archives under Tim Hortons is brimming with Ladysmith artifacts that should be out for people to enjoy, said Martin.


A ramp would have to be built from First Avenue to the building to accommodate people facing mobility challenges.


“You can’t really have a museum without wheelchair access,” she added. The Resources Centre already had a plan done and were given a grant to complete it, but had to give the money back when they moved.


“One of the challenges for that facility is accessibility,” noted Mayor Rob Hutchins, who has been working with the society. While a ramp is not necessarily required on the town’s bylaws, the town would like to see one on what would be a very public institution.


For the Ladysmith and District Credit Union, the offer to the society was a natural one.

“We take our community responsibility very seriously,” said credit union CEO John de Leeuw.

“Having an archives under the Tim Hortons is awesome, but it doesn’t work for a museum, displaying what we have.”


The offer comes free of rent, utility payments and property tax.


de Leeuw said the credit union is still looking at options for what it will do with the property, but thinks any finalized plans are still probably two years out.

Ladysmith Chronicle