Fire caused extensive damage to Lynn Road fourplex early Monday morning.

Fire caused extensive damage to Lynn Road fourplex early Monday morning.

Tenants escape Lynn Road fire, but two pets die

Four people have been forced out of their home as a result of the blaze

No one was hurt, but two pets died after a fire broke out in a rental unit of a four-plex on Monday morning.

However, four people have been forced out of their home as a result of the blaze at 1750 Lynn Rd.

“A second escape route (Monday) morning proved to be instrumental for one person, who could not leave through the main door because of a wall of fire,” said Fire Chief Ian Baikie in a news release. “He quickly closed the door and left his unit through a second exit route. Acting on his quick thinking allowed him to escape uninjured and slowed the spread of fire.”

Firefighters were called out at 4:55 a.m. Monday. When they arrived, fire was burning on the second story of the old home and had extended into the attic.

Firefighters were able to save the rental complex, but damage is estimated at $150,000. The owner said she does have fire insurance and was thankful no one was hurt.

“The people’s immediate needs for food, clothing and shelter are being looked after by our local Emergency Support Services,” said Chief Baikie. “Campbell River Fire Rescue reminds residents to make sure they have a plan in the event of fire that provides at least two escape routes from each room.”

Campbell River Mirror