The Maritime Heritage Centre will be be receiving upgrades, including work on its iconic lighthouse. Photo by Sean Feagan / Campbell River Mirror.

Tender awarded for Maritime Heritage Centre

Parts of building will be renovated this summer, including its signature lighthouse

  • Jun. 20, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Rehabilitation work on the Maritime Heritage Centre in Campbell River has been approved and will be performed by a local contractor this summer.

The building requires renewals of a portion of its east wall, including replacement of framing, sheathing and cladding, as per the the city’s request for tender for the job. The structure’s lighthouse tower also needs renewing for a portion of its cladding and windows.

Campbell River City Council approved a $265,000 tender on June 14 from Campbell River District Contracting for the job. This includes all necessary supervision, construction, equipment, labour, material, permits and related items.

The company was the only one to bid on the project, which was advertised publicly as required by law. Its bid was under the project’s $300,000 budget approved under the city’s 2021-2030 capital plan, however.

“I have no doubt as to why there’s only one bidder — and that’s because everybody else is working their keisters off,” said Coun. Charlie Cornfield, during the meeting.

City staff will work with the contractor and the Maritime Heritage Centre to reduce impacts from construction to potential facility rentals over the summer — including users of the Discovery Passage Explorer Lab, on the building’s south side.

Campbell River Mirror