Campers along the beach on Tent Island. (Photo submitted)

Campers along the beach on Tent Island. (Photo submitted)

Tent Island closed due to neglect and abuse from campers

Illegal campfires common on Penelakut Tribe reserve land

  • Aug. 6, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Tent Island is being closed to the public, effective immediately.

The private island is part of the Penelakut Tribe’s reserve land.

“Visitors and campers have been ignoring Provincial fire bans which threatens to destroy the island,” the Penelakut Tribe stated in a news release.

“Within the last 12 months, firefighting crews from Penelakut Tribe and helicopters and crews from the Province have attended to out-of-control fires from illegal campfires. Over the past week, campfires continue to be seen on Tent Island.”

The release also noted there are numerous examples of garbage and waste being left behind on the Island.

“This drastic measure is necessary to protect this beautiful island.”

Cowichan Valley Citizen