Terrace all candidates forum tonight

Hear and question the candidates seeking to represent the Skeena riding in the May 14 provincial election.

  • Apr. 29, 2013 4:00 p.m.

RESIDENTS have the chance tonight to follow up on last night’s televised leaders’ debate to hear and question the candidates seeking to represent the Skeena riding in the May 14 provincial election.

That’s when an all candidates meeting takes place at the Terrace Pentecostal Assembly starting at 7 p.m.

To date, three candidates are scheduled to attend – incumbent New Democrat Robin Austin, BC Liberal Carol Leclerc and BC Conservative Mike Brousseau. Candidates will make opening and closing statements and, in between, take questions from a media panel and from the audience.

The meeting is being sponsored by The Terrace Standard through the cooperation and assistance of the Terrace and District Chamber of Commerce, Terrace Toastmasters, the BC Northern Real Estate Board, the Skeena Valley Rotary Club, Astral Media and CFNR.

Moderating the evening is Northwest Community College vice president Beverly Moore-Garcia.

The event will be broadcast on CityWest Community Channel 10 for those who can’t make it out.

Terrace Standard