Terrace businesses asked for Northern Gateway opinion

The online survey is hosted by the Terrace and District Chamber of Commerce

  • Mar. 6, 2014 6:00 p.m.

The Terrace business community can now have its say on Enbridge’s Northern Gateway project thanks to an online survey hosted by the Terrace and District Chamber of Commerce.

The survey, several months in the planning and posted yesterday, follows the Dec. 2013 release of an environmental review which recommended the federal government approve the project subject to Enbridge fulfilling 209 conditions.

In February 2012, just after Terrace city council voted to oppose Northern Gateway, the chamber executive released a letter saying that while it took a neutral stance to the pipeline project until the review panel released its report, it did welcome new industry to the area.

Chamber executive director Carol Fielding said it seemed overall opinion on the Gateway project to pump Alberta crude to an export terminal at Kitimat is divided and that the chamber’s board of directors decided a survey was one method of canvassing the organization’s nearly 300 members.

Chamber members can respond to the 11 statements in the survey only once.

Respondents can strongly disagree, somewhat disagree, undecided, somewhat agree or strongly agree to the statements.

Here are those 11 statements.

1. The 180 day Joint Review Panel provided an adequate review process.

2. Pipelines are a safer means to transport oil/condensate product than rail.

3. The process to date has been adequate in keeping First Nations informed.

4. People in the Northwest will benefit from Northern Gateway Pipeline skills training programs.

5. A pipeline designed with today’s engineering expertise and technology will adequately minimize the risks of pipeline leaks.

6. Northern Gateway Pipeline creates a risk to marine environment.

7. My concerns around the Northern Gateway Pipeline have been answered.

8. Northern Gateway Pipeline is important to the economic strength of Canada.

9. Northern Gateway Pipeline will positively affect my business.

10. Northern Gateway Pipeline will bring economic stimulus and infrastructure dollars to the northwest

11. I support the Northern Gateway Pipeline project.





Terrace Standard