Terrace City Council briefs

Terrace City Council briefs

Summary of discussions during the meeting on May 14, 2018

  • May. 17, 2018 12:00 a.m.

Terrace City Council briefs from the meeting on May 14, 2018. Some of the key discussions are summarized below:

NWCC purchase of mobile lab

The City of Terrace carried a motion to write a letter of support for Northwest Community College on their new purchase of a mobile training lab and classroom for additional programs at the college. Through a partnership with AltaGas, NWCC will be delivering gas process operator programs using the 53′ foot expandable trailer on the Prince Rupert and Terrace campuses for around 100 students.

It will also be used to meet the training needs of trades and non-trades programs, including business, healthcare, early childhood education and others.

R.E.M. Theatre Alive Society

The City of Terrace supported the society’s application to the Canada Cultural Heritage Fund for $150,000 for the theatre’s upgrade campaign for seats, carpets, sound and lighting upgrades. In their presentation, the society mentioned that $17,000 would be spent on new sound equipment and $23,000 for lighting that will be used for future performances.

Funds for affordable housing

Council approved a grant to the Terrace and District Community Services Society (TDCSS) for $100,000 from the Affordable Housing Reserve Fund to support the conversion of the former Cedars Motel into affordable housing rental dwellings with 23 bachelor apartments for independent living.

TDCSS had exhausted all other funds through BC Housing but costs increased substantially from initial estimates. With this allocation, $170,000 remains in the reserve fund.

Council delegates in China

Terrace Mayor Carol Leclerc and Coun. Sean Bujtas were missing from the May 14 council meeting because of a scheduled trip to China for business regarding the airport industrial lands.

Victim Assistance Program

In their first quarterly report, the police- based Terrace & District Victim Assistance Program reported a slight increase in total new cases from this time last year. There were 99 new cases this year from 90 last year, with 68 new female clients to 27 male clients during the first three months of 2018.

Five-year financial plan

Council adopted their forecast budget for 2018-2022, which reviewed the proportion of total revenue that comes from each funding source, distribution of property taxes, and the use of permissive tax exemptions.

Borrowing bylaw

A temporary loan bylaw was adopted by council for first, second and third readings. The bylaw allows council to borrow $1,500,000 to meet the current lawful expenditures of the municipality, payable on or before December 31, 2018.


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