IT MAY not have been surprising that Terrace city councillor Brian Downie, left, was at BC Liberal candidate Carol Leclerc's campaign office opening March 25. But the appearance of another city councillor, Bruce Bidgood, right, may have raised a few eyebrows.

IT MAY not have been surprising that Terrace city councillor Brian Downie, left, was at BC Liberal candidate Carol Leclerc's campaign office opening March 25. But the appearance of another city councillor, Bruce Bidgood, right, may have raised a few eyebrows.

Terrace city councillor says both candidates are his friends

Friendship being regarded as more important than politics

  • Mar. 28, 2013 10:00 a.m.

THE VERY young 2013 provincial election campaign here has already spawned its first interesting story – Terrace city councillor and avowed NDP supporter Bruce Bidgood showing up at BC Liberal candidate Carol Leclerc’s March 25 office opening.

And wearing a Carol Leclerc pin to boot.

Leclerc says she and Bidgood have a collegial relationship dating back to when they were city council compatriots.

Bruce has always been a supporter,” said Leclerc last week. “He encouraged me to run for mayor and he encouraged me to run [for provincial office]. He said ‘go for it.’”

We get along together and I think he believes in what we do,” she added.

Leclerc did say she has asked Bidgood for his vote but he has yet to answer.

Bidgood says he is not only friends with Leclerc, he is friends with NDP MLA and candidate Robin Austin.

I support both of them in terms of the campaign and I will do a public demonstration in support for both of them but when it comes down to me I would be willing to and look forward to working with either one of them should they be elected,” he said.

Bidgood said he regards friendship as more important than partisan politics.

I will remain friends and colleagues of both afterwards,” he said.





Terrace Standard