A Terrace man is under investigation for child pornography offences first reported in April, 2021. (File photo)

Terrace man under investigation for child pornography

The RCMP issues safety guidelines for public to avoid becoming victims of cyber-pornography crimes

  • Sep. 23, 2021 12:00 a.m.

A Terrace man is under investigation for a child pornography offence that was first reported in April, 2021.

Earlier this year, after a social media company alerted the police about multiple inappropriate videos uploaded by one of their users, Terrace RCMP launched an investigation into the offences of making, distributing, possessing and accessing child pornography.

Two months after the start of the investigation, a Terrace resident was arrested in June for child pornography offences as part of the police investigation.

“The man was not held in custody, however the investigation is ongoing and charges are expected to be laid in the future,” said the RCMP in a statement released Sept. 23.

Also in the statement, the Terrace RCMP reminded the public that online harassment and sexting is a serious offence which can result in criminal charges.

In addition, the police also advise that people not talk about sex online or share images they wouldn’t want the world to see.

“It’s difficult to remove information once it’s shared. Even though a smartphone app may advertise what you send will disappear in a few seconds. You can still take screen captures of that photo making it last forever.”

Police are also urging the public to consider following safety tips to avoid becoming a victim of “sextortion” by not accepting friend requests from strangers, not complying with threats, stopping all forms of communication with perpetrators, deactivating all accounts used to communicate with the individual and reporting the incident to police.

If you have any information about these types of offences, report them to Terrace RCMP at 250-638-7400 or contact Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477.

Terrace Standard