Terrace RCMP conclude hate crime investigation

The incident, in which a man was attacked, will reopen if new information is provided

An investigation into what police have described as a hate crime involving an assault on an individual has been concluded for now.

“No arrests were made. If more information is received, the investigation will be reopened,” said Terrace RCMP Constable Angela Rabut of a Dec. 3, 2013 incident in which four men attacked another man near the Suwilaawks School in the 3400 Block of Straume Ave.

The man, who was walking home from work, suffered minor injuries when he was assaulted by four men wearing black balaclavas.

The group approached the victim from the courtyard of Suwilaawks School on the 3400 block of Straume, said police.

Two men punched the victim while two stood by and watched.

The victim was knocked to the ground but managed to get back up and escape, running out of the north side of the schoolyard then fleeing north on Sparks St. and west on Straume Ave., said police.

His attackers gave up chase on Straume, said police.

“Information obtained during the investigation, specifically what was said by the assailants, led police to believe this was a crime motivated by hate,” said Rabut last week.

She did not reveal the circumstances leading police to conclude the incident was a hate crime.

Police had been in contact with a RCMP specialized hate crime unit on the lower mainland as part of the investigation.

“They compile this information for British Columbia, which could help in identifying a suspect. They also provide guidance where necessary,” said Rabut.

The suspects were described as wearing hoodies, one orange and one a plain grey non-winter type, said police.

Two were more than 6 feet tall, two had smaller builds and one of the men had big eyes.

“We encourage anybody with information in regards to this crime to come forward to the Terrace RCMP or you can remain anonymous and report the information via Crime Stoppers,” said Rabut.


Terrace Standard