Terrace search and rescue group seeks new sonar gear

The group is looking for public support to buy a sonar to help searchers find people lost deep down in lakes and other bodies of water

  • Apr. 4, 2015 8:00 p.m.

Terrace Search and Rescue is looking for public support to help buy a sonar to help searchers find people lost deep down in lakes and other bodies of water.

In particular, rescuers want to continue to look for Jodi Frocklage, who went missing on Kalum Lake when she went out boating alone December 21, 2014 and didn’t return home.

Experienced team members searched the lake’s surface along with volunteers, friends, family, RCMP the federal department of fisheries and New Aiyansh Fisheries but failed to locate her, said local search and rescue president Dwayne Sheppard of the incident.

For a more extensive search, search and rescue needs specialty equipment that can search down to depths of 400 feet, he said.

“The appeal to the public is for people with fundraising experience to help us out,” said Sheppard.

Search and rescue can use its own non-profit funds to purchase the $44,000 Sea Scan Arc Explorer Sonar, which can search to these depths and deeper.

But the organization also needs a SeaBotix Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV) for recovery at these depths and is looking for the public to help with raising the $93,000 cost of the ROV.

Sheppard asks anyone who would like to assist with fundraising or who would like to donate to contact him.


Terrace Standard