Terrace teachers wanted to meet with parents

Teachers in Terrace were disappointed to learn that next week's parent teacher interviews have been cancelled.

  • Mar. 9, 2012 1:00 p.m.

Teachers in Terrace were disappointed to learn that next week’s parent teacher interviews have been cancelled.

It is very unfortunate that the school district made this unilateral decision,” said Terrace and District Teachers’ Union president, Karen Andrews.

Andrews has sent a letter to the Coast Mountains superintendent and board trustees urging them to reverse the decision.

Teachers have been planning for and looking forward to this opportunity to meet with parents,” Andrews said in a press release this afternoon.

Board chair Art Erasmus said parent teacher interviews will take place after spring break once report cards have been prepared.

It makes more sense to hold the meetings with that additional information, he explained.

The school district expects that to happen some time after spring break, when it estimates legislation ending the current teachers strike to be in place.

Terrace Standard