Texting friend saves girl

911 received a call from a friend of a female who was being held against her will in a transport truck.

On April 8, 2013 the North District Operations Communications Center 911, received a call from a friend of a female who was being held against her will in a transport truck.

The complainant was receiving text messages from the 26 year old victim who said her boyfriend had become violent and had prevented her from going to work for the past week. He had been threatening to harm her and is not letting her go.

Information provided by the victim via text was that the 24 year old Suspect had her in his transport truck and they had left Williams Lake and were travelling to Kitimat BC. The Suspect told the victim if he saw the police or if she called the police he would kill her. The Suspect did not know that the victim was texting the complainant.

Dispatchers contacted the service provider for the victim’s cell phone and obtained GPS coordinates. The phone was pinged to an area south-west of Burns Lake. RCMP were familiar with the suspect as they had previous dealings with him in the past. Members were able to identify the transport truck he was driving through the company he worked for. The information was internally broadcasted to the surrounding detachment areas. An hour and a half after the initial report came in, the suspect vehicle was located by members in Smithers who were patrolling the highway looking for the truck. The suspect was taken into police custody without incident and the victim was found in the truck and taken to safety.

The suspect remains in custody and is facing a number of charges which include assault, forcible confinement, Uttering Threats and breach of conditions. He is scheduled to attend court this week.


Burns Lake Lakes District News