The 4 Questions – Question 2: Do you support dual environmental review processes (federal and provincial) or an amalgamated one?

  • Apr. 20, 2011 4:00 p.m.

Green – Roger Benham

Absolutely yes. Fickle governments are easily elected and one has to hope that at least one can be responsible.

CAP – Maggie Braun

There is no need for a redundant and inflexible federal review process, as long as the province is doing its due diligence.

To me, it is a needless waste of taxpayer dollars, and time to allow the federal review as simple changes to the plans cannot be amended with the federal government.

Our money would be better focused on ensuring the provincial review process was being done to the highest standards.

NDP – Nathan Cullen

It’s possible to have a joint review process between the federal and provincial government but it has to be designed to give a greater voice to local people and get an update to recognize the reality of First Nations rights and title.

The concerns many have are that the federal laws and responsibilities will be pushed to the side and create more uncertainty for industry and the

communities potentially affected.

Conservative – Clay Harmon

We have done some work on this to date. We have signed MOU’s with certain provinces.

•We are committed to reducing red tape and redundant processes.

•We continue to support strong regulations to protect our environment and natural resources.

•We are working with the provinces to accomplish these goals.

CHP – Rod Taylor

I support a dual process. Federal and provincial environmental agencies have unique responsibilities to their respective governments.

While unnecessary duplication and delay of process should be avoided (reports, finding, stats and recommendations should be shared freely) ultimate responsibility for approval at either level of government must be left to the environmental departments of the provinces and of the federal government. Of course, all environmental reviews should be conducted in an efficient manner and the conclusions made available to the public and to any project proponents as quickly as possible.


*Liberal Candidate Kyle Warwick was unavailable for comment

Smithers Interior News